Through the ages, springtime in the northern hemisphere has inspired many humans to focus on the prospect of spiritual renewal, reminiscent of the leaves returning to trees and the planting of crops. Passover, Easter, the Lunar New Year, the Spring Equinox festivals, and many more traditions are rich in meaning about death and rebirth. They remind us that change is our constant companion on life’s journey.
When we accept that change is inevitable, it is easier for us to feel a sense of peace and joy that comes from within. Indeed, practicing this acceptance also enables us to turn what might otherwise be stressful moments into empowerment. With this newfound confidence that comes from acceptance, we can take advantage of the opportunities that change thrusts upon us. When you embark on a journey of self-empowerment, you will learn how to accept change and more clearly see the opportunities that arise.
During the focus on renewal that Spring brings, it is worthwhile to consider the role of self-acceptance in increasing one’s personal power. Self-acceptance allows us to be more present in the moment so that we can more easily witness changes occurring within and outside us. Accepting ourselves means there is no reason to run away from the present through various mechanisms such as mind chatter, alcohol, mind-altering chemicals, binge eating, and other escapist practices and habits. We humans are so creative in finding ways to escape uncomfortable feelings ☺.
Self-acceptance is acknowledging that we are okay just as we are; we are enough. And, the paradox of self-acceptance is that in accepting ourselves as we are, we actually transform ourselves in very wholesome ways; greater self-confidence is one of these ways. The practice of self-acceptance is an authentic and powerful act of self-love.
Loving ourselves through self-acceptance leads us to a state of emotional self-reliance, as we are freed from the need for external acceptance from the dependence on others for forms of emotional validation. Rather than seeking to have our needs met by others, we can love others in healthy ways.
The achievement of emotional self-reliance will enable you to enhance your self-assertiveness in Interpersonal relationships with other people, become more discerning, make more prudent choices, and experience a natural, healthy connection with others. And, of course, self-reliance enables you to be more discerning of the company you keep and the advice you receive from others.
Self-acceptance also allows us to be more at peace with the prospect of dying and death, as we in ourselves become fully realized and not dependent on others for our sense of wholeness and well-being. We lose the fear of change and loss because we have all that we need within us to feel whole. Giving ourselves the gift of self-acceptance allows us to grace others in our world in profound ways, as we project our sense of peace and wholeness into the world without effort.
At death, we will be missed for our capacity to love as the source of encouragement to others to move forward on their own paths toward self-acceptance, self-empowerment, and self-love. In a sense, we become infinite as these qualities are passed onto others and others and others. In this way, self-love is eternal.